Thursday, December 29, 2005


Gentle Reader, I feel obligated to make the following disclaimer:

As the sole author of this blog, all opinions stated or implied within these pages are mine. They are not necessarily the opinion of anyone else within my mundane household, my Shire, or others with whom I associate (but these folks put up with me anyway…how cool is that?!) If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. Please leave a comment.

In addition to the opinions, the errors contained within these pages are also mine. Feel free to comment on any you find, but be aware that I may let the error stand.

In fact, feel free to comment in general, whether you agree, disagree, or wish to elaborate upon something you’ve found within these pages. It is my hope that some good discussions may evolve from comments left. As such, I must ask that all comments be signed. Choose your own personna name, but please use the same name within these pages. I insist upon Honor and Civility, and as such I reserve the right to edit or remove any comments that I deem to be abusive or otherwise unchivalrous.

I am proud to be a member of Shire Smythkepe, but this blog is not in any way affiliated with or sanctioned by Shire Smythkepe. In other words: if you don’t like something you see here, blame me, not my Shire.