Thursday, August 10, 2006


Many folks would be upset to find a critter munching in their garden. I, on the other hand, have been hoping all summer to find this little pest.

Once this caterpillar has decimated enough of my parsley, it will become a black swallowtail butterfly. There are lots of fantastic butterflies in the world, but the black swallowtail is one of my favorites.

I am also fond of parsley, so I always plant extra in the hope that there will be enough left for me. Since I planted so late, the parsley hasn't grown well, so the caterpillar may get it all this year. Many folks would be upset by this...I think the butterflies are worth it!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

What's a Quiet Week?

There is a serious gap in my knowledge - a lesson that life hasn't taught me yet, and I don't think there's a course on it taught in any school. Thank God for public radio, though, or I would never have even suspected its existance. A Quiet Week - it sounds so wonderful, and it happens on a fairly regular basis in Lake Wobegon. Now...where's that on the map?