After much trial and error, I finally got frustrated enough to ask Seamas this question. He's never tried to do what I'm doing, but he does have some weaving experience. His reply, while not exactly what I was looking for, gave me the clue I needed to come up with this...

The dowels are screwed to the boards, then the boards are clamped into position. I can position the dowels half the length of the string I want, then make a single cut. If I've kept the same tension on the yarn while winding it around the dowels, it will all be the same length. Sounds great in theory, and it actually worked pretty well in practice. The beauty of this method is that it's completely portable and is highly adjustable for length. Another benefit, which I haven't yet tried, is that it can be set up vertically, which should allow me to better judge the tension of each string.
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