Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Seneschalate Turnover Speech

At Cracked Anvil Collegium VIII (February, 2005), I was invited to speak in Court when Dewi turned the office of Seneschal over to Alys. This is the text of the speech I had prepared:

Alys, you asked me here as a former Seneschale to assist with today’s turnover of office. This is the third time the office has turned over without going through me – we have a trend!

The office of Seneschale is not a position of power; it is a position of responsibility. This key and this token are a heavy weight to bear. When wearing them, you are speaking and acting as Smythkepe’s Seneschale. Just remember, you’re not alone. If you have questions, want a second opinon, or just need to blow off steam…you know how to reach me (or Dewi or Cinead)!

Smythkepe was founded 18 years ago at a New Year’s Eve party in AS 21. We were granted Shire status as the last act of King John of Ean Airgead II (known as the “Mad Celt”) and Queen Rondallynn II. These were given by them to our Seneschale, Sine nic Schranachain. From Queen Rondallynn came this key along with this ribbon woven in her own colors, or and vert. King John gave us this token, made by his own hands, and a promise to go with it. If ever Smythkepe is in need of aid, send the token so he will know the messenger.

Earlier, I said that when you wear the key and the token you’re speaking as “Smythkepe’s Seneschale.” I ask that you be a Seneschale “for” Smythkepe and not “of” Smythkepe. There is a distinct difference. These are your friends – nothing has changed. There is no “us” and no “them.” As shire members have come and gone, it is only as a group of friends that we have reached our 18th birthday. Let’s keep Smythkepe a group of friends.

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