Sunday, July 02, 2006

Growth Spurt

At fighter practice this afternoon, I was duly chastised for not posting often enough. Though it is likely I will never post daily, I should be posting more often than I have of late. Milady, I apologize. If I again grow lax, please feel free to take me to task. I also appreciate the other feedback you gave me. It's good to know some of the things you feel I'm doing right. In addition, if you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to see me cover, please feel free to mention them.

Earlier this week, I looked out at my herb garden and did a double-take. The basil has had a growth spurt! I snapped the photo below before trimming back the leggy growth. Since it appears that for every stalk I cut, two will grow in its place, I was rather free in my trimming. My goal is to allow the basil to grow into bushy, but compact, plants.

With this second trimming, I think I have enough basil leaves in the freezer for a small batch of pesto. Having never made pesto before, this is sure to be an adventure. I've collected several recipes to compare for reference, but I find myself wishing I was still in contact with Mariah. Her skill in the kitchen often left me shaking my head in awed wonder.

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