Thursday, May 11, 2006


It hasn’t really sunk in yet, but tonight was my final class as an undergraduate. The final presentation is complete. The final paper has been turned in. Sure, I’m relieved and ready to relax for a few days, but I know it will be only a few days. In less than a week, that hungry little monster in the back of my mind will be looking around with bright eyes and saying with eager voice, “What next?!” Gotta feed the monster!

I have several projects in mind for the summer. Some of them will appear on these pages, some will not. I’m particularly excited about starting on the herbal project I’ve been planning. And gathering materials and tools for some light metalworking. And figuring out how to sew trim onto things. Gotta feed the monster!

Right now, though, I’m knackered. Good night!


Videos by Professor Howdy said...
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Moira of Liddesdale said...

Gentle Reader,
Though I think comments in general are great and wish folks would choose to comment more often, I have removed the comment left by "Thought & Humor." It was nothing more than "comment spam," and was not appropriate for this forum. I've kept a copy; if you're curious, contact me, and I'll forward it to you.
