Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Moira's Herbal - Garlic

Allium sativum

General Size & Description: A perennial grown as an annual, garlic grows 16-24 inches tall. Its leaves are dark green and flat, and its spear-straight stem is topped by a flower head that bloms white or pink.

Sun & Location: Full sun

Soil preferences: Rich, light, well-drained soil

Spreading habit: If allowed to go to seed, garlic will spread far and wide!

Propagation: Plant individual cloves, pointed end up, anytime from early fall to early spring.

Container gardening: Garlic may be grown in containers. Harvest the green leaves as you would harvest chives.

Companion plants: Wards off black spot when planted next to roses.

Spring – Plant cloves in early spring
Summer – Cut off seed heads, dig up bulbs when leaves begin to turn yellow
Fall & Winter – Plant cloves and mulch to protect against cold

Harvest: Dig up bulbs when leaves begin to turn yellow in mid – late summer. Dry thoroughly before storing in a cool place with plenty of air circulation.

Culinary Uses
  • There is such a thing as too much garlic, but there are many who will cry “Uncle” before I will. I love garlic and use it primarily to flavor butter, vinegar, beef, and anything that includes tomatoes or tomato sauce.
Period Folklore
  • Eaten by Roman soldiers to inspire courage.
  • Thought to ward off and cure plague.
  • Since in the Middle Ages, many diseases were believed to be caused by evil spirits, garlic’s antiseptic properties were believed to be proof that garlic was an effective charm against evil.

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